Gibsons and Area Community School
Sunshine Coast Community Schools are committed to supporting school districts by providing quality programs, learning opportunities, and connections to schools and community resources. Overseen by a volunteer board, principals and a paid coordinator support schools and communities. We secure grants and external funding to provide valuable programs, services, and activities in and out of school time. Community schools enhance the work of both School District 46 and our communities by offering site-specific community-based programs. Some programs offered are:
- Kidz Club after school care, spring break & Coastal Kids summer camp (BC licensed group facility)
- Breakfast Club
- Sandwich program
- Just Tweens
- Garden Club
- Various other after school art, craft and learning opportunities (I.e. babysitting) when available.
Sue Wilson, Coordinator 604-886-2621
Jessica Ray, Licensing manager (Kidz Club/Coastal Kids) 604-741-5339